Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Creatively Use Inspirational Love Quotes to Romance Your Mate

Spice up your relationship with inspirational love quotes that will spark romance and fan the flames of passion.
Sometimes in the midst of life's demands and busy schedules it is easy to take those you love the most for granted. It is important to make the time to share words of love, express your appreciation, and refresh the excitement and attraction that began your journey together.
Using love quotes creatively and in unexpected ways will touch your mate's heart, bring a smile to their face, and make them feel like the most special and important person in your world.
Small, thoughtful gestures can set the stage for romance and let the love of your life know that even when you are apart, you still think about them, dream about them, and look forward to spending time with them. To keep your relationship fun and exciting, accompany a simple idea with an inspirational love quote and personalize it with the world's most powerful words - "I love you!"
1. Email or text one love quote per day to your mate. You may even wish to make it more personal by including a short comment on how the quote applies to your relationship.
2. Surprise your mate with a screensaver image of the two of you and include a romantic quote that defines your relationship. Imagine how loved your partner will feel when they sit down at their computer and see your thoughtful gesture.
3. Attach a love quote to things that your mate uses regularly so they will be reminded of your feelings the next time that they use these items. For example, their alarm clock attach, "Any time not spent on love is wasted." - Torquato Tasso
4. Write love quotes on post-its and stick them to the bathroom mirror, steering wheel, shower doors, or any other place that your mate may find your words of romance. Slip love quotes into your partner's wallet, coat pocket, lunch pail, or briefcase for them to discover throughout the day.
5. Plan a romantic getaway. Leave an envelope with a key to a luxury room at a fancy hotel and attach, "Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
6. Pay for a classified add in a local newspaper in honor of your mate, including a special love quote. Add to the intrigue or personalize it by using a pet name or nickname that only the two of you would recognize.
7. Celebrate a special occasion by engraving a love quote on the back of a watch, heart pendant, or bracelet.
Present your mate with a CD of love songs and attach the quote, "Of all the earthly music, that which reaches farthest into heaven is the beating of a loving heart." - Henry Ward Beecher
Prepare a romantic meal for your mate and leave a card on their plate that reads, "Love is the greatest refreshment in life." - Picasso
You can creatively use inspirational love quotes to keep romance alive and add excitement and passion to your relationship. Even the smallest of gestures can show thoughtfulness and make your mate feel like the most important person in the world.
Soren Lauritzen is a coach, consciousness guide, and self help author whose love of truth, wit, and humor led him to create which includes inspirational love quotes.

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