Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How To Make A Man Love You? Here's A Crazy Strategy To Make a Guy Love You FAST

So how do you make a guy love you? This is something so many women curiously ask themselves. It begins in our teenage years, when we develop a crush on the guy in our class, and it develops into something more later on in years. If there was only a way to instantly make a guy love you, life would be so pleasurable. Well, it may not be INSTANT, but here is a CRAZY strategy that can make a guy love you very fast...
Stay Cool-
The biggest mistake every women makes is over dramatizing everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. It may appear normal to a women, because that's how women are, but to a man, most women are highly emotional and overbearing at times.
So, you need to keep your emotions in check and keep the drama to a minimum. Even if you have drama in your life, keep it under wraps, and keep things simple when you are with a guy. A man wants a fun, easy going, emotionally stable women. These are genuine qualities to make a man love you the fastest.
Show Your Independence-
Another thing that men DISLIKE is a clingy women. A girl that always hangs around her man like a bad smell.
I have this friend who was seeing this girl who really cared about him. She cared so much to the point of getting obsessive about him. She would call him every minute and hang around him everywhere, all the time! He appreciated her company at first, but after a while he got really tired of her. He had his own life too, but she was so dependent on him, she didn't have a life of her own. In the end, he had to leave her, and focus on his own life.
Don't Make Him Your Focus-
This is the last thing he wants. If you truly want him to love you, understand that men fall in love with women who make them HAPPY and make them feel enjoyment. A guy likes to be complemented for the things he is good at, and the things he that interest him. Never ask a man to change, because he will resent you, and you will never have love that way.
Pay Close Attention-
Please listen closely! Follow the instructions on the next page and you will discover a shocking tip on how to Instantly- Attract Any Man, Make Him Feel An IMMEDIATE Connection With You - And Fall In Love With You. You will learn simple psychological tricks that make women irresistible to guys. You are strongly urged to read everything on the next page before it's too late- Click Here.

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