Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Should I Take Him Back? 2 Questions EVERY Woman Must Ask Herself (Even You)

Should I take him back or just let him go? Will he keep making the same mistakes, or has he learned his lesson? And is there any way I can be sure....BEFORE I do, or do I just need to keep crossing my fingers that he won't hurt me again?
In this article, we are going to take a quick look at 2 questions EVERY woman should ask before she takes her man back....ignore them at your own peril! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below!
Is it Comfortable, Convenient or True Love?
The truth? More women "settle" for less than they deserve out of fear of the unknown, comfort and convenience than just about any other factor. Did you know, for example, that in surveys done of married women 50 or older, a staggering percentage (well over 50%) admit they WISH they could go back and choose a different mate to marry? Factor in the exceptionally high percentage of marriages that end in divorce, and you realize that FAR too many people pick the wrong person early on.....for BAD reasons, and those choices can literally cause consequences for many decades to come. Unless you really feel it's "true love", and he is truly your soul mate without any questions, it's often BEST to end it now.....especially if he's done something to force you to ask difficult questions now.
Patterns and Problems
Want to know the truth? Even if he's truly sorry, repentant and wants forgiveness......patterns tend to repeat themselves. Ask yourself this: If this the first time you think he's going to do what he's done? (or is it the first time he's been caught?) Most problematic behavior regretfully....repeats itself for a lifetime. Unless you can be sure whatever he's done is JUST a one time, weird's often best to get out with a clear head, and conscience....before it's too late to get away with ease!
WARNING Does he REALLY Love Me? Find Out HERE!
(The #1 way of finding out if he's going to love you forever.......or is he as GOOD as gone!) Don't be the last to know!

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